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What if the Movie Guide or Music Guide does not have information on a disc?

The Kaleidescape Movie and Music Guide Services provide information for thousands of commercially available Blu-ray discs, DVDs, and CDs. When a Blu-ray disc, DVD, or CD is not recognized by the Kaleidescape Movie or Music Guide, you can still watch the movie or listen to the music, but the cover art, video bookmarks, and other guide information may not automatically be provided.

There are three ways to supply information for unrecognized discs.

  • Enter UPC/EAN
  • Loan Kaleidescape the unrecognized discs
  • Add movie and music information using the browser interface

Enter the UPC/EAN

When you enter the disc's UPC/EAN using the browser interface or on-screen user interface, Kaleidescape uses the barcode to identify the title of the disc and try to provide some information about the disc, including cover art, title, cast, director, “Play Movie” bookmark, and song titles for albums. If disc information can be located, the information will appear on the Kaleidescape System in a few days. The UPC/EAN number is the numeric part of the barcode, which can be found on the disc packaging. Figure 1 shows examples of UPC and EAN numbers.

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          Figure 1 UPC and EAN Numbers​

Entering a UPC or EAN from the Onscreen Display​

Use the following procedure to enter a UPC/EAN from the onscreen display.

1. Locate the unrecognized movie. If there is not enough information to identify the disc, play a portion of the disc to determine if it is the unrecognized movie.

2. Select the movie to view details. Verify that the movie is not recognized by the Kaleidescape Movie Guide. See Figure 2.

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          Figure 2 Details Page for an Unrecognized Movie​

3. Scroll down the left column and select Enter Barcode.... The Enter Package Barcode window appears. See Figure 3.

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          Figure 3 Enter Package Barcode Window​

4. Enter the UPC/EAN digits in the Barcode box and press the OK button.

NOTE: Be sure to include the small numbers at each end of the UPC/EAN. UPCs normally have 12 digits; EANs, 13 digits.

Entering a UPC/EAN from the Browser Interface​

To enter a UPC or EAN from the browser interface, a computer must be connected to the same network as your Kaleidescape System. Use the following procedure to enter a UPC/EAN from the browser interface.

1. Open a web browser and enter:

  • http://my-kaleidescape (Windows)
  • http://my-kaleidescape.local (Mac) Or
  • http://[server_IP_address] (Windows or Mac)
2. On Alto or Cinema One (2nd generation), the Movies and Music page appears displaying a list of content that has been added to your system.

On a Premiere line system, a login page may appear. When it does, enter the password and click Login. The browser interface HOME page appears. To see a list of content that has been added to your system, select the IMPORT tab. See Figure 4.

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          Figure 4 Opening IMPORTS Page​

3. Unrecognized titles appear in the content list with an Enter Info button to the right. See Figure 5.

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          Figure 5 Enter Info Button Appears for Unrecognized Titles​

4. Select the Enter Info button and enter the barcode.

  • When entering the barcode for a movie or TV series, the EDIT MOVIE window appears. See Figure 6.

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          Figure 6 EDIT MOVIE Window

If a UPC/EAN cannot be found, click the Enter Movie Details button. Adding movie information is described in the Entering Movie Information section that follows.
  • When entering the barcode for an album, the expanded ALBUM DETAILS window appears. See Figure 7.
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Figure 7 ALBUM DETAILS Window​

If a UPC/EAN cannot be found, click the Enter Complete Details button. Adding album information is described in the Entering Music Information section later in this guide.

Loaning Kaleidescape Unrecognized Discs​

If the missing information is not updated a week after entering the UPC/EAN, you can  loan the disc to Kaleidescape.  We will gather information and cover art for any unrecognized commercial discs sent to Kaleidescape. The discs are processed for high-resolution cover art, aspect ratio and masking information, bookmarks, and complete detailed information. Information for the discs automatically appears on your system as soon as the data capture is complete.

Information and images obtained by Kaleidescape through the Kaleidescape loan program may be incorporated into the Kaleidescape Movie and Music Guides. Refer to the Kaleidescape Service & License Agreement at

The loan process is described at

Add Movie and Music Information Using the Browser Interface

If the disc contains home movies or personal recordings, enter all the information and cover art through the browser interface. For complete details, please refer to

NOTE:  Strato systems do not support music.



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