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Kaleidescape vs. Streaming

Leading streaming services encode 4K video at an average of around 8 megabits per second. Kaleidescape’s 4K movies are encoded at an average of 65 megabits per second. Notice how much more accurate and detailed the Kaleidescape picture is. The streaming video suffers from severe compression artifacts, including loss of detail and color accuracy, and a lot of added noise.

While streaming platforms provide content that’s highly compressed and can vary depending on internet bandwidth, Kaleidescape movies are downloaded to a local hard drive so they play perfectly every time.

Not only do Kaleidescape movies carry more video information, but our audio is bit-for-bit lossless quality. Compared to streaming services, Kaleidescape’s higher audio bitrate ensures you will hear everything from the softest whispers to room-rattling explosions.

Audio and Video Throughput Comparison
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